Mura ifaworanhan Apakan Apẹrẹ, Ifaworanhan Griding Rock


Apejuwe Kukuru:

Ọja Apejuwe

Ọja Tags

E35.3609-B? Ifaworanhan Iyara Rock
B1 Peridotite ti o dara julọ
B2 Dunite
B3 Wei PotassiWei Potasiomu Feldspar
B4 Nepheline Phonolite
B5 Syanite Porphyry
B6 Iyanrin-Iyẹfun Iyanrin to dara
B7 Bauxite
B8 Hydrothermal Serpentine
B9 Staurolite Schist
B10 Granite Porphyry
B11 Kyanite
B12 Muscovite-Quartz Schist
B13 Hsiuyen Jade
B14 Sodalite
B15 Awọn Hornfels Siliceous
B16 Onigun sanded Band
B17 Adaparọ Eru Iru-Iru
B18 Hornblende Gneiss
B19 Biotite Leptynite
B20 Grẹy Shale
B21 Glaucophane
B22 Adalu Granite Rock
B23 Tuffol tuff
B24 Sericite Phyllite
B25 Adalu Granite
B26 Garnet Diopside Skarn
B27 Sillimanite
B28 Talc Schist
B29 Sillyous Phyllite
B30 Almandine Chlorite Schist
B31 Iyanrin-Iyẹfun Iyanrin to dara
B32 Actinolite
B33 Oolitic
B34 Lava Layered
B35 Bases Andesitic
B36 Yun Huang Yan
B37 Atijo okuta simenti Cup
B38 Iyẹfun Coral
B39 Komatiites
B40 Okuta onina
B41 Ejò Gritstone
B42 Amphibolite Trachyandesites
B43 Dide Marble Band
B44 Diorite
B45 Lithophysa Basalt
B46 Eeru
B47 Dushan Jade
B48 Plagioclase
B49 Celadon Pan Yan
B50 Lẹẹdi Quartz Schist
B51 Pyroxene Andesite
B52 Pentlandite
B53 Tremolite Schists
B54 Sandcare Calcareous
B55 Argillaceous Fine Sandstone
B56 Trachyte Silicified
B57 Diopside
B58 Eedu Egungun
B59 Nepheline Phonolite
B60 Chromite
B61 Tabulẹti Tabulu
B62 Ejò Fine Sandstone
B63 Rhyolite
B64 Awọn Rock Felsic Grained
B65 Andalusite Hornstone
B66 Cordierite Hornfels
B67 Glassy Tuff
B68 Muscovite
B69 Biotite
B70 Gypsum Okun
B71 Apatite Alarinrin
B72 Amphibole
B73 Barite
B74 Calcite
B75 Augite
B76 Granodiorite
B77 Pink wẹwẹ Phyllite
B78 Andesite
B79 Awọn cataclasites Auriferous
B80 K-Feldspar Granite Fragmentation
B81 Iyanrin
B82 Okuta okuta
B83 Micrite
B84 Conglomerate
B85 Iyanrin-Grained Quartz Sandstone
B86 Epidote Skarn
B87 Magnetite Skarn
B88 Marble funfun
B89 Mid Fine-Grained Quartz Diorite
B90 Layered Gypsum Rock
B91 Nipasẹ Pilasita
B92 Alabaster
B93 Chlorite
B94 Diorite
B95 Nepheline Syenite
B96 Norite
B97 Ilmenite
B98 Didan Dolomite Banded
B99 Skarn
B100 Hononcomb Limonite

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